

GET /api/1.3/coordinates

Authentication Required: Yes

Role(s) Required: None

Request Query Parameters

Name Required Description
id no Filter Coordinates by ID.
name no Filter Coordinates by name.

Response Properties

Parameter Type Description
id int Local unique identifier for the Coordinate
lastUpdated string The Time / Date this entry was last updated
latitude float Latitude of the Coordinate
longitude float Longitude of the Coordinate
name string The name of the Coordinate

Response Example

 "response": [
       "id": 21,
       "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
       "latitude": 0,
       "longitude": 0,
       "name": "dc-chicago"
       "id": 22,
       "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
       "latitude": 0,
       "longitude": 0,
       "name": "dc-chicago-1"

POST /api/1.3/coordinates

Create Coordinate.

Authentication Required: Yes

Role(s) Required: admin or oper

Request Parameters

Name Required Description
name yes The name of the Coordinate entry
latitude no Latitude of the Coordinate
longitude no Longitude of the Coordinate

Request Example

    "name": "my_coordinate",
    "latitude": 1.2,
    "longitude": 4.5

Response Properties

Parameter Type Description
id int The id of the Coordinate
name string The name of the Coordinate
latitude float Latitude of the Coordinate
longitude float Longitude of the Coordinate
lastUpdated string The Time / Date this entry was last updated
alerts array A collection of alert messages.
>level string Success, info, warning or error.
>text string Alert message.

Response Example

    "alerts": [
                      "level": "success",
                      "text": "coordinate was created"
    "response": {
        'longitude' : 4.5,
        'lastUpdated' : '2016-01-25 13:55:30',
        'name' : 'my_coordinate',
        'latitude' : 1.2,
        'id' : 1

PUT /api/1.3/coordinates

Update coordinate.

Authentication Required: Yes

Role(s) Required: admin or oper

Request Query Parameters

Name Required Description
id yes The id of the coordinate to edit.

Request Parameters

Name Required Description
id yes The id of the Coordinate
name yes The name of the Coordinate entry
latitude no Latitude of the Coordinate
longitude no Longitude of the Coordinate

Request Example

    "id": 1,
    "name": "my_coordinate",
    "latitude": 12,
    "longitude": 45

Response Properties

Parameter Type Description
id int The id of the Coordinate
name string The name of the Coordinate
latitude float Latitude of the Coordinate
longitude float Longitude of the Coordinate
lastUpdated string The Time / Date this entry was last updated
alerts array A collection of alert messages.
>level string Success, info, warning or error.
>text string Alert message.

Response Example

    "alerts": [
                      "level": "success",
                      "text": "coordinate was updated"
    "response": {
        'longitude' : 45,
        'lastUpdated' : '2016-01-25 13:55:30',
        'name' : 'my_coordinate',
        'latitude' : 12,
        'id' : 1

DELETE /api/1.3/coordinates

Delete coordinate.

Authentication Required: Yes

Role(s) Required: admin or oper

Request Query Parameters

Name Required Description
id yes The id of the coordinate to delete.

Response Properties

Parameter Type Description
alerts array A collection of alert messages.
>level string Success, info, warning or error.
>text string Alert message.

Response Example

      "alerts": [
                        "level": "success",
                        "text": "coordinate was deleted"