Traffic Ops - Migrating from 1.x to 2.x

In Traffic Ops 2.x MySQL was removed and Postgres was replaced as the database of choice for the unforeseen future. A Docker-based migration tool was developed to help with that conversion using an open source Postgres tool called pgloader. The following instructions will help configuring the Migration tool

System Requirements

The user must have the following for a successful minimal install:

  • CentOS 7.2+
  • Docker installed (this migration was tested against version docker-engine-selinux-17.05.0.ce-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm)
  • Postgres has been installed according to Traffic Ops - Installing

Setup the traffic_ops_db directory

Modify /opt dir permission to make it writable and owned by postgres:postgres

$ sudo chmod 755 /opt

Download the Traffic Control tarball for 2.0.0

$ cd /opt
$ wget<tarball_version>

Extract the traffic_ops_db dir to /opt/traffic_ops_db

$ tar -zxvf trafficcontrol-incubating-<version>.tar.gz --strip=1 trafficcontrol-incubating-<version>/traffic_ops_db
$ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/traffic_ops_db

Migration Preparation

Be sure there is connectivity between your MySQL server’s IP address/port and your Postgres server’s IP address/port.