Managing Traffic Ops Extensions

Each script is a separate bash script located in $TO_HOME/bin/checks/.

The extensions must be registered with Traffic Ops in order to display a column on the Server Check page. The list of currently registered extensions can be listed by running /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/extensions -a.

The below extensions are automatically registered with the Traffic Ops database (to_extension table) at install time (see traffic_ops/app/db/seeds.sql). However, cron must still be configured to run these checks periodically.

The scripts are called as follows:

$TO_HOME/bin/checks/To<name>  -c "{\"base_url\": \",https://\"<traffic_ops_ip>\", \"check_name\": \"<check_name>\"}" -l <log level>

<name> is the type of check script
<traffic_ops_ip> is the IP address of the Traffic Ops Server
<check_name> is the name of the check. For example: CDU, CHR, DSCP, MTU, etc...
<log_level> is between 1 and 4, with 4 being the most verbose. This field is optional

Example Cron File

Edit with crontab -e. You may need to adjust the path to your $TO_HOME to match your system.


# IPv4 ping examples - The 'select: ["hostName","domainName"]' works but, if you want to check DNS resolution use FQDN.
*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": [\"hostName\",\"domainName\"]}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G\", \"name\": \"IPv4 Ping\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1

# IPv6 ping examples
*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"name\": \"IPv6 Ping\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1
*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"10G6\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1

# iLO ping
18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
18 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ILO\", \"name\": \"ILO ping\", \"select\": \"iloIpAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" >/dev/null 2>&1

# MTU ping
45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ipAddress\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1
45 0 * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"MTU\", \"name\": \"Max Trans Unit\", \"select\": \"ip6Address\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1

27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\""  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
27 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"FQDN\", \"name\": \"DNS Lookup\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1

36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\"}" >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
36 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"DSCP\", \"name\": \"Delivery Service\", \"cms_interface\": \"eth0\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1

10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
10 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"RTR\", \"name\": \"Content Router Check\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1

*/15 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CHR\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1

20 * * * * root /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"CDU\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1

40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\"}"  >> /var/log/traffic_ops/extensionCheck.log 2>&1
40 * * * * ssh_key_edge_user /opt/traffic_ops/app/bin/checks/ -c "{\"base_url\": \"https://localhost\", \"check_name\": \"ORT\", \"name\": \"Operational Readiness Test\", \"syslog_facility\": \"local0\"}" > /dev/null 2>&1